Faithful Cross

Faithful Cross above all others
one and only noble tree; none in foliage,
none in blossom, none in fruit thy peer can be.
Blessed wood and blessed nails
tender weight is hung on thee.

When God’s time had come to fullness
Jesus Christ was born for us. All his Godhead
he surrendered, he became as one of us.
Child was he of Mary’s goodness,
born in flesh, on earth to die.

Thirty years among us dwelling,
his appointed time fulfilled. Born for this,
he greets his passion to Jerusalem he came.
On this Cross, our God was lifted,
where his blood and life are spilled.

To our, God be all the glory,
all our praise and all our song.
God, we thank you for your wisdom,
in your grace we know your Son.
May his Spirit live within us,
Spirit of his faithful Cross.

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